Sunday, July 1, 2012

Rabbit Proof Fence - I highly recommend

Just watched this film about 3 aboriginal girls and their trek across Australia to return to their homeland to be with their family.  Below is a review that is right-on for the film.


This film, by it's description, seems very heavy and disturbing, but it is more touching and inspiring. This true story, based on the book, Along the Rabbit Proof Fence, about three aboriginal girls taken from their mothers to be imprisoned, "changed" and "improved." Determined to return home, three girls, walk the 1200-mile journey home, following along the rabbit proof fence while being followed for recapture. Director, Phillip Joyce and the young actresses deliver this story with true brilliance! - Cathy, New York, NY

The young actresses were glorious!   - Bobbi , Washington DC

1 comment:

sanderling said...

I agree. Definitely. A great film on several levels, form commentary on the cruel stupidity of racism to the beauty of an indomitable human spirit to an exposition of the awesome magnitude of a vast land.